Teamail™ FAQ
Teamail the email tea discussion group
1. What is Teamail?
Teamail is an email discussion group, otherwise known as a group mailing list or a listserv. This is a system that allows many people to send emails to each other by addressing messages to one central address which automatically distributes the message to everyone who is subscribed to the group. Every message posted to the list is distributed to every member/subscriber, including the message's author.
The topic of the Teamail group is tea -- Camellia sinensis -- and any and all tea-related topics: reviews of teas tasted, buying tea, tea customs and rituals, tea accessories, tea preparation utensils and methods, tea books and publications, tea web sites, tea parties, recipes using tea or to serve at tea, or any other question, response, comment, or thought relating to tea.
Tea means different things to different people. It may be a comforting cup during difficult times, the search for new and interesting flavours, a favourite way to start the morning, a cold thirst quencher, a relaxation or a pick-me-up, a social event or a solitary meditation ... or something else again. Teamail brings together a group of several thousand people from around the world with a common interest in tea so we all may benefit from and enjoy each others' various perspectives and experiences through email discussion. Subscribers are encouraged to post their thoughts on tea itself as well as on tea-related topics (preferably while enjoying a good cuppa :-).
Teamail is a social group. We provide a civil, friendly environment for adults to enjoy and possibly learn from. Subscribers are considered to be adults and expected to behave as such, following all the rules of netiquette as well as those of common courtesy.
Please read our Guide to Netiquette.
2. Can I learn more about tea on Teamail?
You will find posts on any and all tea-related topics, including reviews of teas, tea shops, tea production, tea and health, tea-related events, cooking with tea, recipes for teatime treats, interesting books, magazines, and web sites, prose and poetry, and so much more. If you have questions about tea or any tea-related topic, you are encouraged to post these questions to the list.
3. How do I subscribe to the Teamail group, and what does it cost?
Teamail is a completely free service.
To join Teamail, after you read this FAQ, send an email message from the email account where you want to receive your Teamail to this address: [email protected]. Leave the subject line and the body of the message blank.
Once you send your subscription request, you will receive an email message from Yahoo confirming that you wish to subscribe. This is a security measure to prevent anyone from subscribing you to a list without your knowledge. Follow the instructions in the message for sending a confirmation reply. Shortly after your subscription request is approved, you will begin receiving Teamail.
Teamail is hosted at YahooGroups. If you are already a YahooGroups member, or have a Yahoo userID, or would like to have a Yahoo userID, you can join Teamail from our Yahoo home page at . Signing up via our YahooGroups page allows you access to other features of our Teamail group including photo-sharing, links, recipe files, and message archives.
Please note: If you experience any difficulties with the registration procedure, please contact the list administrators for subscription assistance.
4. How do I post messages to the Teamail group?
Once you have become a Teamail subscriber, we recommend that you read the posted messages for a week or so to see what the tone and style of the list are. Then post an introductory note, either about yourself (relating to tea), a question, or a response to someone else's message.
The email address for posting to Teamail is [email protected]. This address is for Teamail posts only. All administrative messages or technical questions should be addressed to the list administrators. If you need to unsubscribe from the list or cancel your membership, see Question #16.
For the convenience of all members, we ask you to avoid posting multiple short messages at one time, but rather combine them into one longer message. A suggested subject line for posts covering more than one topic is "Tea odds and ends" or something similar. For more on the topic of sending "one-liners," see Question #6.
Cross-posting is not permitted on the Teamail list. In other words, when you send your message to the Teamail list, you may not address it or copy it to other individuals, or cross-post it to other lists or groups.
Signature lines: Anyone (business owner or personal) posting a message is welcome to use a "sig" that includes their business name and/or website URL. Please keep your sig short -- two (2) lines maximum -- and tasteful. Non-conforming sigs will be edited out before the message is posted to the group.
From time to time, as required, the list administrators will send an ADMIN message to all subscribers, with general announcements, updates, and any relevant technical changes. Please read these messages, as they contain important information.
5. How do I reply to posted messages? Can I contact individual members direct, off-list -- and if so, how?
To reply to a post on-list (for all of our members/subscribers to read), click the Reply button in your email software. Be sure to then delete all of the message you are replying to, except perhaps for a very brief amount of text needed to clarify your response before sending your reply. Remember that the message you are replying to has already been posted to the entire list, and read by all subscribers. It's not necessary to repeat it -- message threads are followed by the Subject line. Additionally, large blocks of reposted text can overload some subscribers' email inboxes, and it makes reading new posts difficult for subscribers who receive their Teamail in digest form. Please be considerate.
You should feel free to contact other members for private discussions, following the same rules for civil behaviour as outlined for posts to the list in general. Off-list chats are a good way to develop friendships with other members. It also allows you to continue off-topic discussions off-list. In fact, when a discussion veers off-topic and you wish to continue, you must take the discussion off-list. For example, if there is a discussion about tea in Boston and you want to talk about non-tea experiences in Boston, send your message off-list, direct to the individual, not to the entire group.
Most of our members/subscribers welcome direct, off-list contact, but if you are asked by a member not to contact them directly for any reason then you are expected to honour that request. Failure to do so may result in removal from the list. This includes both personal messages and commercial solicitations.
To reply to an individual, after you click Reply delete the Teamail address in the To:/Address: box and replace it with the individual's email address, by cutting and pasting, keying it in, or from your personal address book.
Alternatively you can click the Reply All button, then delete the Teamail address in the To: box; the remaining address will be that of the author of the original message.
If you read your Teamail at the YahooGroups web site and wish to reply to a posted message, after you click Reply you can then choose from a drop-down list which address the reply should be sent to: the entire list or to the author of the post.
6. What kinds of posts are acceptable on the list, and what kinds are not acceptable? Which ones should I send direct to individuals?
Please note that the language for Teamail postings is English.
All messages posted to Teamail must be in the English language.
You may include common foreign-language phrases or words (like c'est la vie),
but if you do you must include an English-language translation ("that's life").
As described in #1 above, Teamail is a group dedicated to discussion of all things related to tea -- but only things relating to tea. Posted messages are expected to reflect our topic. Anything from personal feelings to scientific explorations, tea culture, tea parties or recipes, tea in books or movies, and anywhere in between, are welcome -- as long as they relate to tea.
Off-topic posts of any kind -- whether original messages or replies to previous posts -- are not appropriate for posting to the Teamail list. These include, but are not limited to, solicitations for charities, "virus alerts" (most of these are hoaxes anyway), chain letters, holiday greetings (unless part of a tea-related message), "test" messages, or any other post that does not relate directly to tea. If you wish to initiate or continue a discussion on any other topic, you must do so off-list. If you are not sure whether a message is off-topic, please contact the administrators prior to posting.
Do not send electronic greeting cards (e-cards) to the Teamail list. Please send these off-list to the individual(s) you would like to receive them.
Sending off-topic messages to the list may jeopardize a subscriber's posting or list membership privileges.
Teamail is not a forum for promoting blogs, newsletters, e-zines, social networking sites, or other groups or forums that members may own or contribute to. You are welcome to post your own writings to the group and thereby start a thread for discussion by Teamail members. Members' sigs (automated signatures) may not include links to blogs, newsletters, e-zines, social networking sites, or other groups or forums.
The Teamail group, its administrators, and its members have no obligation to help promote any individual or entity, online or off-line, commercial or non-commercial, via messages, links, sigs, or in any other form.
Members should also send replies to posts direct to individual members if the reply is not likely to be of interest to the rest of the list. This would include "Nice post...," "I liked that too...," "Sounds wonderful, wish I could go there...," "Good luck with it...," "Thanks for posting...," "I agree with that..." or anything in a similar vein that adds no new tea-related content. The recipient will likely be pleased that you took the time to send a note, and the rest of the group will appreciate that they did not have to open an off-topic message.
It is not necessary to begin your response message with the name of the person you are responding to. As noted above, every message sent to the list is distributed to all members/subscribers of the group, and discussion threads are followed via message Subject lines. Post your message -- original or reply -- with the presumption that everyone on the list will receive and read it, not just the person who wrote the original question or comment. (Instead of starting your message with "Hi so-and-so," try responding in the third person: "So-and-so asks ...") Likewise, any list member may reply to any message, including messages that appear to be addressed to another list member.
This is a group discussion forum, and everyone is welcome to read and respond to every posted message. There are no "private" messages once they are posted to the entire group, and you are not "butting in" if you reply to a message that has someone else's name on it. If your message will be of interest only to the other person, if it is not related to tea, or if it is too personal for the general list, then re-address it as described above and send it direct to the individual. (If you really find it necessary to start your message by addressing an individual person, it should be sent off-list.)
It is also unnecessary to send copies (cc:) to individual list members. Each message posted to the Teamail list is distributed to every member. If you send a copy to an individual member s/he will receive the same message twice.
A gentle warning:
We urge our subscribers: Do not post your home address or telephone number to the list. Teamail and its administrators cannot be responsible for any loss of privacy to individual subscribers.
If you would like to plan a meeting, group tea, tea swap, etc., you are welcome to make general announcements to the list, but responses and plans should then be made off-list amongst the participants.
In general, ask yourself before posting a message to the entire list: If someone else other than me were posting this message would I be interested in reading it? If the answer is "no," then send it direct to the specific individual(s) rather than to the list as a whole.
Remember: Selecting your email software's "Reply" function will send your response to the entire list. See Question #5 for how to send or reply to messages direct to individual members (off-list).
Regarding spam, spammers, and trolls: The Teamail community does not permit unsolicited commercial email ("spam"). In order to prevent spammers from sending these types of messages to the list, Teamail is now a fully moderated group. This means that messages sent by all subscribers are pre-screened by the list administrators. Spammers and trolls (individuals who deliberately send off-topic messages, often of a provocative or offensive nature) will be removed from the community and banned from re-subscribing. Although this creates extra work for the list moderators, we believe it is worth the trouble to prevent inappropriate and/or offensive messages from being sent to our community. Also see Question #9 regarding acceptable commercial postings.
7. Must I post to Teamail in order to be a member/ subscriber?
No, some of our members/subscribers are "lurkers" who enjoy reading messages but do not post any of their own. You are under no obligation to post messages to the list, but we do encourage everyone to participate in discussions on any tea-related topic that interests them or in which they have any expertise, and to ask questions.
8. Can I post to Teamail anonymously?
No. You must use the email address you used for your subscription as your return address or the list server will not accept the message. You are not, however, obliged to sign your real name to posts. We urge all subscribers to refrain from posting personal information to the list -- home address and/or telephone number, for example -- to protect your privacy.
9. What about commercial posts (messages that are intended to solicit business), and what is "AD DAY?"
A large number of tea and tea-related vendors, tea room owners, and other tea professionals subscribe to Teamail. We welcome their participation, as they can often answer specific questions (they also tend to be nice people :).
To avoid inundating our group with "hard sell" commercial messages (a posting that solicits business), vendors of products and/or services may not post commercial messages directly to the group. If a member requests information about where to purchase a product or service, providers of the product or service may not reply on-list. Any suppliers who wish to offer their own products or services to another member must do so off-list only.
Individual members may, of course, recommend suppliers and resources that they themselves have no connection with.
This does not bar vendors from posting to Teamail. We encourage our merchant/vendor members to contribute, as knowledgeable individuals, to our general discussion of tea and tea-related topics.
Members who have an interest in a business (owner, manager, employee) may not post "third-party" messages about their businesses (for example, "Visit such-and-such a site" as if the site is owned or operated by some unrelated party). Doing so is grounds for removal from Teamail membership.
If you, as a customer, are looking for a tea or item, you can post a request to the list any time you want. Be sure to state that replies from vendors be sent off-list to you directly, and include your email address in your message. Non-commercial subscribers who post recommendations for tea shops, events, or products should include a disclaimer that they have no financial relationship to the tea shop, event, or product -- either that they are "happy customers" or have found the information via search or reference, as the case may be.
From time to time, Teamail opens up our forum to allow vendor/members to post commercial messages. We refer to these promotions as AD DAY. AD DAY comprises a rolling 24-hour period in which suppliers of consumer-oriented products and services from anywhere around the world may post a commercial message about their products and/or services direct to the entire Teamail group. An announcement including all AD DAY protocols will be posted to the group approximately three (3) days before each AD DAY.
10. How do we control subject lines and the dreaded "thread drift?"
Members should read the subject line of each message to follow a subject thread and find all messages in that thread. As a courtesy to everyone, please try to keep the subject line relevant to the message's content. Be brief but descriptive.
When a discussion following a response to a post veers to a new topic, please alter the subject line of your message to reflect the new topic. For example, if you're responding to a post with a subject "Nad in London" and want to ask a question or add your own London tea experiences, you can leave the subject line the same (your email software will normally add a Re: before the subject). To respond to the same post but only to the portion about rubber stamps with teapot designs, the new subject line would be "Rubber stamps ... was: Nad in London." This makes it easier for all subscribers to follow discussions and not miss one that might be of interest, or to skip those that are not.
11. Is this a discussion group for herbal teas as beverages or medicines?
Although you will see occasional posts about herbal, fruit, or floral tisanes or infusions, the principal topic of this list is tea, the beverage derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Teamail does not encourage discussion of herbal medicine on this list; there are other fora for these topics.
Although we permit posted messages about general health issues relating to tea, members are cautioned not to rely on message postings for medical information or advice, and not to post messages that either solicit or offer medical advice. We strongly urge all our members/subscribers to consult a qualified medical practitioner for proper diagnosis and treatment of any condition, illness, or disease.
12. What about reading tea leaves?
We recognize that while some people find this topic entertaining, others find it offensive. Realizing that it is impossible to please everyone all the time, for the purposes of Teamail, which has no religious or political preferences or affiliations, tea-leaf reading is considered a tea-related topic and may be discussed on-list.
Members/subscribers may post announcements of upcoming tea-leaf reading events, reviews of such events or of publications (books, newspaper articles, etc.), and other questions or comments of general interest. We ask you to be mindful of your fellow group members and state clearly in the Subject line of any post on this topic: "Tea leaf reading" or "Reading tea leaves" so individuals who do not care to read these messages may skip them or delete them.
To avoid receiving messages on this or any other specific topic, you may wish to use local email filtering software.
Any post related to this topic, or any other topic, that is deemed by the List Administrators to be offensive to the list or its subscribers may result in the author being removed from the group without notice.
13. Can I read Teamail messages online? Is there an archive of Teamail postings?
Yes. You can read current and past messages by pointing your browser to the Teamail host, Yahoo!Groups. After signing in, click the Messages link on the left. Current and archived messages are available to current Teamail subscribers only, and you will need a Yahoo!Groups userID to access the files.
If you do not have a Yahoo userID, click the Register link. You will be prompted to select an ID and password, and to identify these with your email subscription address.
You can also post new messages by clicking the Post link on the left, or reply to current messages by clicking the Reply link accompanying the message.
When searching the archives, you may need to try different text strings to locate the message(s) that contain material relating to your interest. Remember that you are searching through almost a dozen years' worth (as of March, 2010) of Teamail messages.
14. I'm not receiving any posts from Teamail. Why not?
First, be sure you subscribed correctly and returned your subscription confirmation (see Question #3). This is a fairly active group, but does occasionally go through "silent" periods. Sometimes our list host is temporarily off-line while performing server maintenance. Additionally, email is not 100% reliable.
If you are a subscriber and are not receiving posts, try posting a query on some tea-related topic. (Do not post an administrative query or "test message" to the list. It will be deleted, and you may lose your group posting privileges.) Because your name is on the subscriber distribution list, you should receive a copy of your post. You will also likely receive one or more responses that are posted to the list.
Remember that the elapsed time between when you send your post to Teamail and when it is delivered to your (or anyone else's) inbox may vary from a few minutes to several hours or longer. This is a function of traffic at the time you post, and is also influenced by the general vagaries of the Internet; Teamail has no control over these aspects. If you don't see your post within a day or two we suggest you try posting it again. If you continue to experience problems, contact the list administrators direct, off-list.
Another possibility is that you may have temporarily suspended your list mail -- perhaps while you went on vacation -- as you would do with snailmail, or set it to read on the web site only. Check your account settings to see if your Teamail subscription is set to No Mail (see Question #15). Or you can send a restart-delivery request: To receive list mail as individual messages, send your request to: [email protected]. If you prefer to receive list mail in digest format, send to: [email protected].
Also check that any filtering schemes that have been set in your local email software are not inadvertently deleting Teamail messages. If you use a webmail account (such as Hotmail or Yahoo) to access Teamail, and have activated your webmail service provider's spam protection, you may also be filtering out list mail. Check your account settings, and read the Help screens to find out how to redirect list mail to your webmail's inbox.
Some schools, businesses, and even commercial ISPs automatically filter out list mailings through their firewall or security software. If you are having trouble receiving Teamail, discuss the problem with your system administrator or ISP tech support. In the event that you are not permitted to receive list mail at your location, you can use a different email address to subscribe, or you can read Teamail at the YahooGroups web site.
From time to time there may be a prolonged problem with the list server. If the Teamail list goes off-line permanently, the List Administrators will attempt to contact you regarding an alternate meeting place.
15. Account changes: How can I stop my list mail temporarily (during vacations, etc.)? And how can I change the email address where I receive my Teamail?
Temporary mail stop: Like your postal or snailmail, Teamail email can be stopped temporarily without unsubscribing. This requires a web browser. Point your browser to the Teamail host, Yahoo!Groups, and click the Sign in link in the upper right-hand corner of the green bar. (If you do not have a Yahoo userID instead click the Register link. You will be prompted to select a userID and password, and asked to identify these with your email subscription address. You need to register only one time, and then will have a permanent user ID.) After successfully logging in, you will reach the Teamail (teamail) page. To the right you will see a drop-down list. Select No Mail/Web Only, then click the Save Changes button below. Within a short time, as Yahoo!Groups updates their database, you will stop receiving list mail.
To reactivate Teamail delivery, follow the instructions above, setting the mail option in the drop-down list to Individual Message or Digest, as you prefer. Or you can reactivate your list mail by sending an email message to [email protected] (to receive individual list messages) or [email protected] (to receive daily digests). You need not write anything in the Subject line or the body text; these can be left blank.
If you do not have access to a web browser, please contact the list administrators for assistance.
Changing your email address: Individual members' subscription accounts are private. The List Administrators do not have access to alter these accounts, and cannot change the email address you use for messages and group features.
If you wish to change the email address where you receive your Teamail, you must do one of the following:
16. What if I don't want to be a subscriber/member any more?
We hope you will enjoy being a member of Teamail, but understand that sometimes circumstances may change. Do not post an unsubscribe request to the list -- it will be deleted without action. You can unsubscribe by sending an email message from the email account where you receive your Teamail to [email protected]. The Subject line and body of the message can be left blank. You will receive a message asking you to send a confirmation reply; this is a security device to be sure that no one is unsubscribing you without your knowledge. Click your email's Reply button, then send -- you don't need to add additional text. Within a few hours, as your request is processed, you will no longer receive Teamail messages.
If you have web access you can also unsubscribe through the Yahoo!Groups web site; log in and make the change to your account.
17. How is the Teamail list different from newsgroup?
Teamail list messages are sent from and delivered to your email account. You do not need news reader or web browser software to participate. Your email address is available only to the other subscribers to the list, and only through your posts to the list or off-list messages to individual subscribers.
Unlike newsgroups, Teamail is moderated, so no off-topic messages are posted.
18. Is Teamail actively soliciting for new subscribers via public announcements?
We occasionally post notices about Teamail on various online and off-line media. Many of our current members recommend membership in Teamail to other tea lovers, either via email or with a link on their website. We greatly appreciate members who help promote our group!
19. How private are Teamail postings?
Messages posted to Teamail are distributed only to subscribers of the Teamail list. The policy statement of the organization that hosts Teamail (Yahoo!Groups) bars spamming, the sale of mailing lists by Yahoo!Groups or by individual list owners or users, and the use of Yahoo!Groups lists as a source for creating a new list for the purpose of sending unsolicited email (commercial or otherwise).
They also assure us that list messages are not read, redistributed, or in any way monitored by Yahoo!Groups, although they do reserve the right to step in if they receive a complaint that a list they host is participating in inappropriate or illegal practices.
The Teamail List Administrators do not publish, post, or otherwise display the list of subscribers either on- or off-list, but do reserve the right to maintain a secured off-line copy for reference. See also Questions # 20 and #21 below.
Please note that both Teamail and Yahoo!Groups, in accordance with U.S. and international copyright laws, assign copy rights (ownership) of original material posted to the Teamail list to the individual author of that material. Reproduction of Teamail posts, in full or in part, in any medium or format, whether by online or off-line methods, without the prior written consent of the copyright owner is strictly prohibited and grounds for immediate removal from the Teamail community and from Yahoo!Groups, and may result in legal action against the offender(s). Please do not repost, copy, forward, or otherwise reproduce any Teamail message without the express consent of the original author. Thank you.
20. Okay, if Yahoo!Groups isn't selling our addresses, what do they get out of this arrangement?
At the bottom of each Teamail post and the top of each digest you may see a brief advertisement sponsored by one of Yahoo!Groups' advertisers. These advertisements may be of interest to you, and you are welcome to follow any advertisement link. Or you may choose to ignore them; you are under no obligation to patronize any of the advertisers.
When you access the Teamail/Yahoo!Groups web site, you'll also see advertisements. Again, you are under no obligation, but can click through on any advert to get more information.
We consider these advertisements to be a minor intrusion into our group -- a reasonable trade-off for providing a free meeting place for our international group of tea lovers.
Yahoo!Groups assures us that mailing list addresses are not sold to their advertisers. If you believe you have received spam as a result of your participation in Teamail, or if you receive an advertisement that you find offensive, please contact YahooGroups.
Quoting from the Yahoo!Groups FAQ: "Yahoo!Groups strongly believes in privacy and will never disclose an individual's registration information to anyone without their express consent." Due to the nature of the Internet in general, there are no guarantees of complete privacy no matter what system is used. We believe this service offers as reasonable a comfort level as other hosting services. You are encouraged to read Yahoo!Groups' FAQ and their policy statement on spamming.
21. What do I do if someone on the list is acting inappropriately?
As stated above, we expect all Teamail members/subscribers to behave as courteous, responsible adults. All message postings must reflect not only our topic but must be expressed civilly. Rudeness, vulgarity, and insults directed against any individual or group will not be tolerated. Bad behaviour, on-list or off-list to members or the moderators, is grounds for removal from the Teamail group.
If you believe that another member/subscriber has acted inappropriately, please contact the list administrators who will decide how to respond. The choice will be at the sole discretion of the list administrators. Do not initiate an on-list discussion about this, and do not post a "rebuke" to the list; doing either may jeopardize your own list privileges.
You may also send a courteous message off-list to the original author, bearing in mind the terms outlined in the following paragraphs. Explain the problem clearly and neutrally. Often what one member interprets as offensive is a simple misunderstanding or mis-statement that can be easily corrected. Especially keep in mind that our membership includes tea lovers from every inhabited continent, and what a member interprets as inappropriate may simply be lack of familiarity with the English language.
If someone behaves inappropriately in private email to you in response to your list post, forward the offending message to the list administrators (preferably with full headers). The administrators will, again, decide how to proceed. If you ask someone not to contact you directly and s/he continues to do so, we recommend that you contact the abuse department at the sender's ISP/email host.
Spamming, vulgar language, or sending hate mail are grounds for immediate removal and banning from the group. Any subscriber who sells, gives, or otherwise conveys the list of subscribers or any part thereof to anyone outside the group, or who adds subscriber names or addresses without that person's express permission, may be removed from the group without notice. Anyone who sells, gives, or otherwise conveys any Teamail post in full or in part to anyone outside the list, including cross-posting and forwarding, without obtaining the express consent of the original author/member may be removed from the group without notice. Anyone who uses subscriber names and addresses for purposes of creating a separate email list for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, may be removed from the group without notice, and may be in violation of Yahoo!Groups Terms of Service and User Guidelines.
We reserve the right to add or remove members at will. We reserve the right to determine what is appropriate and inappropriate, and to edit inappropriate material as required. Teamail, its members, and its administrators are not responsible for the content posted to the group. If you find it objectionable, it is your sole responsibility to remove yourself from the subscription list. Any advice or material that you find here is for entertainment purposes only. Legal liability for the content of posts made to Teamail lies with the individual poster, not the group or its administrators. All subscribers are responsible for reading this FAQ in its entirety and abiding by our protocols. If you do not understand the above material, you should unsubscribe from the group immediately. All subscribers are responsible for reading the Yahoo!Groups Terms of Service and User Guidelines and abiding by all Yahoo!Groups protocols.
22. Email commands for common Teamail list functions:
Please contact the Teamail List Adminstrators with any questions or comments:
Teamail the email tea discussion group
1. What is Teamail?
Teamail is an email discussion group, otherwise known as a group mailing list or a listserv. This is a system that allows many people to send emails to each other by addressing messages to one central address which automatically distributes the message to everyone who is subscribed to the group. Every message posted to the list is distributed to every member/subscriber, including the message's author.
The topic of the Teamail group is tea -- Camellia sinensis -- and any and all tea-related topics: reviews of teas tasted, buying tea, tea customs and rituals, tea accessories, tea preparation utensils and methods, tea books and publications, tea web sites, tea parties, recipes using tea or to serve at tea, or any other question, response, comment, or thought relating to tea.
Tea means different things to different people. It may be a comforting cup during difficult times, the search for new and interesting flavours, a favourite way to start the morning, a cold thirst quencher, a relaxation or a pick-me-up, a social event or a solitary meditation ... or something else again. Teamail brings together a group of several thousand people from around the world with a common interest in tea so we all may benefit from and enjoy each others' various perspectives and experiences through email discussion. Subscribers are encouraged to post their thoughts on tea itself as well as on tea-related topics (preferably while enjoying a good cuppa :-).
Teamail is a social group. We provide a civil, friendly environment for adults to enjoy and possibly learn from. Subscribers are considered to be adults and expected to behave as such, following all the rules of netiquette as well as those of common courtesy.
Please read our Guide to Netiquette.
2. Can I learn more about tea on Teamail?
You will find posts on any and all tea-related topics, including reviews of teas, tea shops, tea production, tea and health, tea-related events, cooking with tea, recipes for teatime treats, interesting books, magazines, and web sites, prose and poetry, and so much more. If you have questions about tea or any tea-related topic, you are encouraged to post these questions to the list.
3. How do I subscribe to the Teamail group, and what does it cost?
Teamail is a completely free service.
To join Teamail, after you read this FAQ, send an email message from the email account where you want to receive your Teamail to this address: [email protected]. Leave the subject line and the body of the message blank.
Once you send your subscription request, you will receive an email message from Yahoo confirming that you wish to subscribe. This is a security measure to prevent anyone from subscribing you to a list without your knowledge. Follow the instructions in the message for sending a confirmation reply. Shortly after your subscription request is approved, you will begin receiving Teamail.
Teamail is hosted at YahooGroups. If you are already a YahooGroups member, or have a Yahoo userID, or would like to have a Yahoo userID, you can join Teamail from our Yahoo home page at . Signing up via our YahooGroups page allows you access to other features of our Teamail group including photo-sharing, links, recipe files, and message archives.
Please note: If you experience any difficulties with the registration procedure, please contact the list administrators for subscription assistance.
4. How do I post messages to the Teamail group?
Once you have become a Teamail subscriber, we recommend that you read the posted messages for a week or so to see what the tone and style of the list are. Then post an introductory note, either about yourself (relating to tea), a question, or a response to someone else's message.
The email address for posting to Teamail is [email protected]. This address is for Teamail posts only. All administrative messages or technical questions should be addressed to the list administrators. If you need to unsubscribe from the list or cancel your membership, see Question #16.
For the convenience of all members, we ask you to avoid posting multiple short messages at one time, but rather combine them into one longer message. A suggested subject line for posts covering more than one topic is "Tea odds and ends" or something similar. For more on the topic of sending "one-liners," see Question #6.
Cross-posting is not permitted on the Teamail list. In other words, when you send your message to the Teamail list, you may not address it or copy it to other individuals, or cross-post it to other lists or groups.
Signature lines: Anyone (business owner or personal) posting a message is welcome to use a "sig" that includes their business name and/or website URL. Please keep your sig short -- two (2) lines maximum -- and tasteful. Non-conforming sigs will be edited out before the message is posted to the group.
From time to time, as required, the list administrators will send an ADMIN message to all subscribers, with general announcements, updates, and any relevant technical changes. Please read these messages, as they contain important information.
5. How do I reply to posted messages? Can I contact individual members direct, off-list -- and if so, how?
To reply to a post on-list (for all of our members/subscribers to read), click the Reply button in your email software. Be sure to then delete all of the message you are replying to, except perhaps for a very brief amount of text needed to clarify your response before sending your reply. Remember that the message you are replying to has already been posted to the entire list, and read by all subscribers. It's not necessary to repeat it -- message threads are followed by the Subject line. Additionally, large blocks of reposted text can overload some subscribers' email inboxes, and it makes reading new posts difficult for subscribers who receive their Teamail in digest form. Please be considerate.
You should feel free to contact other members for private discussions, following the same rules for civil behaviour as outlined for posts to the list in general. Off-list chats are a good way to develop friendships with other members. It also allows you to continue off-topic discussions off-list. In fact, when a discussion veers off-topic and you wish to continue, you must take the discussion off-list. For example, if there is a discussion about tea in Boston and you want to talk about non-tea experiences in Boston, send your message off-list, direct to the individual, not to the entire group.
Most of our members/subscribers welcome direct, off-list contact, but if you are asked by a member not to contact them directly for any reason then you are expected to honour that request. Failure to do so may result in removal from the list. This includes both personal messages and commercial solicitations.
To reply to an individual, after you click Reply delete the Teamail address in the To:/Address: box and replace it with the individual's email address, by cutting and pasting, keying it in, or from your personal address book.
Alternatively you can click the Reply All button, then delete the Teamail address in the To: box; the remaining address will be that of the author of the original message.
If you read your Teamail at the YahooGroups web site and wish to reply to a posted message, after you click Reply you can then choose from a drop-down list which address the reply should be sent to: the entire list or to the author of the post.
6. What kinds of posts are acceptable on the list, and what kinds are not acceptable? Which ones should I send direct to individuals?
Please note that the language for Teamail postings is English.
All messages posted to Teamail must be in the English language.
You may include common foreign-language phrases or words (like c'est la vie),
but if you do you must include an English-language translation ("that's life").
As described in #1 above, Teamail is a group dedicated to discussion of all things related to tea -- but only things relating to tea. Posted messages are expected to reflect our topic. Anything from personal feelings to scientific explorations, tea culture, tea parties or recipes, tea in books or movies, and anywhere in between, are welcome -- as long as they relate to tea.
Off-topic posts of any kind -- whether original messages or replies to previous posts -- are not appropriate for posting to the Teamail list. These include, but are not limited to, solicitations for charities, "virus alerts" (most of these are hoaxes anyway), chain letters, holiday greetings (unless part of a tea-related message), "test" messages, or any other post that does not relate directly to tea. If you wish to initiate or continue a discussion on any other topic, you must do so off-list. If you are not sure whether a message is off-topic, please contact the administrators prior to posting.
Do not send electronic greeting cards (e-cards) to the Teamail list. Please send these off-list to the individual(s) you would like to receive them.
Sending off-topic messages to the list may jeopardize a subscriber's posting or list membership privileges.
Teamail is not a forum for promoting blogs, newsletters, e-zines, social networking sites, or other groups or forums that members may own or contribute to. You are welcome to post your own writings to the group and thereby start a thread for discussion by Teamail members. Members' sigs (automated signatures) may not include links to blogs, newsletters, e-zines, social networking sites, or other groups or forums.
The Teamail group, its administrators, and its members have no obligation to help promote any individual or entity, online or off-line, commercial or non-commercial, via messages, links, sigs, or in any other form.
Members should also send replies to posts direct to individual members if the reply is not likely to be of interest to the rest of the list. This would include "Nice post...," "I liked that too...," "Sounds wonderful, wish I could go there...," "Good luck with it...," "Thanks for posting...," "I agree with that..." or anything in a similar vein that adds no new tea-related content. The recipient will likely be pleased that you took the time to send a note, and the rest of the group will appreciate that they did not have to open an off-topic message.
It is not necessary to begin your response message with the name of the person you are responding to. As noted above, every message sent to the list is distributed to all members/subscribers of the group, and discussion threads are followed via message Subject lines. Post your message -- original or reply -- with the presumption that everyone on the list will receive and read it, not just the person who wrote the original question or comment. (Instead of starting your message with "Hi so-and-so," try responding in the third person: "So-and-so asks ...") Likewise, any list member may reply to any message, including messages that appear to be addressed to another list member.
This is a group discussion forum, and everyone is welcome to read and respond to every posted message. There are no "private" messages once they are posted to the entire group, and you are not "butting in" if you reply to a message that has someone else's name on it. If your message will be of interest only to the other person, if it is not related to tea, or if it is too personal for the general list, then re-address it as described above and send it direct to the individual. (If you really find it necessary to start your message by addressing an individual person, it should be sent off-list.)
It is also unnecessary to send copies (cc:) to individual list members. Each message posted to the Teamail list is distributed to every member. If you send a copy to an individual member s/he will receive the same message twice.
A gentle warning:
We urge our subscribers: Do not post your home address or telephone number to the list. Teamail and its administrators cannot be responsible for any loss of privacy to individual subscribers.
If you would like to plan a meeting, group tea, tea swap, etc., you are welcome to make general announcements to the list, but responses and plans should then be made off-list amongst the participants.
In general, ask yourself before posting a message to the entire list: If someone else other than me were posting this message would I be interested in reading it? If the answer is "no," then send it direct to the specific individual(s) rather than to the list as a whole.
Remember: Selecting your email software's "Reply" function will send your response to the entire list. See Question #5 for how to send or reply to messages direct to individual members (off-list).
Regarding spam, spammers, and trolls: The Teamail community does not permit unsolicited commercial email ("spam"). In order to prevent spammers from sending these types of messages to the list, Teamail is now a fully moderated group. This means that messages sent by all subscribers are pre-screened by the list administrators. Spammers and trolls (individuals who deliberately send off-topic messages, often of a provocative or offensive nature) will be removed from the community and banned from re-subscribing. Although this creates extra work for the list moderators, we believe it is worth the trouble to prevent inappropriate and/or offensive messages from being sent to our community. Also see Question #9 regarding acceptable commercial postings.
7. Must I post to Teamail in order to be a member/ subscriber?
No, some of our members/subscribers are "lurkers" who enjoy reading messages but do not post any of their own. You are under no obligation to post messages to the list, but we do encourage everyone to participate in discussions on any tea-related topic that interests them or in which they have any expertise, and to ask questions.
8. Can I post to Teamail anonymously?
No. You must use the email address you used for your subscription as your return address or the list server will not accept the message. You are not, however, obliged to sign your real name to posts. We urge all subscribers to refrain from posting personal information to the list -- home address and/or telephone number, for example -- to protect your privacy.
9. What about commercial posts (messages that are intended to solicit business), and what is "AD DAY?"
A large number of tea and tea-related vendors, tea room owners, and other tea professionals subscribe to Teamail. We welcome their participation, as they can often answer specific questions (they also tend to be nice people :).
To avoid inundating our group with "hard sell" commercial messages (a posting that solicits business), vendors of products and/or services may not post commercial messages directly to the group. If a member requests information about where to purchase a product or service, providers of the product or service may not reply on-list. Any suppliers who wish to offer their own products or services to another member must do so off-list only.
Individual members may, of course, recommend suppliers and resources that they themselves have no connection with.
This does not bar vendors from posting to Teamail. We encourage our merchant/vendor members to contribute, as knowledgeable individuals, to our general discussion of tea and tea-related topics.
Members who have an interest in a business (owner, manager, employee) may not post "third-party" messages about their businesses (for example, "Visit such-and-such a site" as if the site is owned or operated by some unrelated party). Doing so is grounds for removal from Teamail membership.
If you, as a customer, are looking for a tea or item, you can post a request to the list any time you want. Be sure to state that replies from vendors be sent off-list to you directly, and include your email address in your message. Non-commercial subscribers who post recommendations for tea shops, events, or products should include a disclaimer that they have no financial relationship to the tea shop, event, or product -- either that they are "happy customers" or have found the information via search or reference, as the case may be.
From time to time, Teamail opens up our forum to allow vendor/members to post commercial messages. We refer to these promotions as AD DAY. AD DAY comprises a rolling 24-hour period in which suppliers of consumer-oriented products and services from anywhere around the world may post a commercial message about their products and/or services direct to the entire Teamail group. An announcement including all AD DAY protocols will be posted to the group approximately three (3) days before each AD DAY.
10. How do we control subject lines and the dreaded "thread drift?"
Members should read the subject line of each message to follow a subject thread and find all messages in that thread. As a courtesy to everyone, please try to keep the subject line relevant to the message's content. Be brief but descriptive.
When a discussion following a response to a post veers to a new topic, please alter the subject line of your message to reflect the new topic. For example, if you're responding to a post with a subject "Nad in London" and want to ask a question or add your own London tea experiences, you can leave the subject line the same (your email software will normally add a Re: before the subject). To respond to the same post but only to the portion about rubber stamps with teapot designs, the new subject line would be "Rubber stamps ... was: Nad in London." This makes it easier for all subscribers to follow discussions and not miss one that might be of interest, or to skip those that are not.
11. Is this a discussion group for herbal teas as beverages or medicines?
Although you will see occasional posts about herbal, fruit, or floral tisanes or infusions, the principal topic of this list is tea, the beverage derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Teamail does not encourage discussion of herbal medicine on this list; there are other fora for these topics.
Although we permit posted messages about general health issues relating to tea, members are cautioned not to rely on message postings for medical information or advice, and not to post messages that either solicit or offer medical advice. We strongly urge all our members/subscribers to consult a qualified medical practitioner for proper diagnosis and treatment of any condition, illness, or disease.
12. What about reading tea leaves?
We recognize that while some people find this topic entertaining, others find it offensive. Realizing that it is impossible to please everyone all the time, for the purposes of Teamail, which has no religious or political preferences or affiliations, tea-leaf reading is considered a tea-related topic and may be discussed on-list.
Members/subscribers may post announcements of upcoming tea-leaf reading events, reviews of such events or of publications (books, newspaper articles, etc.), and other questions or comments of general interest. We ask you to be mindful of your fellow group members and state clearly in the Subject line of any post on this topic: "Tea leaf reading" or "Reading tea leaves" so individuals who do not care to read these messages may skip them or delete them.
To avoid receiving messages on this or any other specific topic, you may wish to use local email filtering software.
Any post related to this topic, or any other topic, that is deemed by the List Administrators to be offensive to the list or its subscribers may result in the author being removed from the group without notice.
13. Can I read Teamail messages online? Is there an archive of Teamail postings?
Yes. You can read current and past messages by pointing your browser to the Teamail host, Yahoo!Groups. After signing in, click the Messages link on the left. Current and archived messages are available to current Teamail subscribers only, and you will need a Yahoo!Groups userID to access the files.
If you do not have a Yahoo userID, click the Register link. You will be prompted to select an ID and password, and to identify these with your email subscription address.
You can also post new messages by clicking the Post link on the left, or reply to current messages by clicking the Reply link accompanying the message.
When searching the archives, you may need to try different text strings to locate the message(s) that contain material relating to your interest. Remember that you are searching through almost a dozen years' worth (as of March, 2010) of Teamail messages.
14. I'm not receiving any posts from Teamail. Why not?
First, be sure you subscribed correctly and returned your subscription confirmation (see Question #3). This is a fairly active group, but does occasionally go through "silent" periods. Sometimes our list host is temporarily off-line while performing server maintenance. Additionally, email is not 100% reliable.
If you are a subscriber and are not receiving posts, try posting a query on some tea-related topic. (Do not post an administrative query or "test message" to the list. It will be deleted, and you may lose your group posting privileges.) Because your name is on the subscriber distribution list, you should receive a copy of your post. You will also likely receive one or more responses that are posted to the list.
Remember that the elapsed time between when you send your post to Teamail and when it is delivered to your (or anyone else's) inbox may vary from a few minutes to several hours or longer. This is a function of traffic at the time you post, and is also influenced by the general vagaries of the Internet; Teamail has no control over these aspects. If you don't see your post within a day or two we suggest you try posting it again. If you continue to experience problems, contact the list administrators direct, off-list.
Another possibility is that you may have temporarily suspended your list mail -- perhaps while you went on vacation -- as you would do with snailmail, or set it to read on the web site only. Check your account settings to see if your Teamail subscription is set to No Mail (see Question #15). Or you can send a restart-delivery request: To receive list mail as individual messages, send your request to: [email protected]. If you prefer to receive list mail in digest format, send to: [email protected].
Also check that any filtering schemes that have been set in your local email software are not inadvertently deleting Teamail messages. If you use a webmail account (such as Hotmail or Yahoo) to access Teamail, and have activated your webmail service provider's spam protection, you may also be filtering out list mail. Check your account settings, and read the Help screens to find out how to redirect list mail to your webmail's inbox.
Some schools, businesses, and even commercial ISPs automatically filter out list mailings through their firewall or security software. If you are having trouble receiving Teamail, discuss the problem with your system administrator or ISP tech support. In the event that you are not permitted to receive list mail at your location, you can use a different email address to subscribe, or you can read Teamail at the YahooGroups web site.
From time to time there may be a prolonged problem with the list server. If the Teamail list goes off-line permanently, the List Administrators will attempt to contact you regarding an alternate meeting place.
15. Account changes: How can I stop my list mail temporarily (during vacations, etc.)? And how can I change the email address where I receive my Teamail?
Temporary mail stop: Like your postal or snailmail, Teamail email can be stopped temporarily without unsubscribing. This requires a web browser. Point your browser to the Teamail host, Yahoo!Groups, and click the Sign in link in the upper right-hand corner of the green bar. (If you do not have a Yahoo userID instead click the Register link. You will be prompted to select a userID and password, and asked to identify these with your email subscription address. You need to register only one time, and then will have a permanent user ID.) After successfully logging in, you will reach the Teamail (teamail) page. To the right you will see a drop-down list. Select No Mail/Web Only, then click the Save Changes button below. Within a short time, as Yahoo!Groups updates their database, you will stop receiving list mail.
To reactivate Teamail delivery, follow the instructions above, setting the mail option in the drop-down list to Individual Message or Digest, as you prefer. Or you can reactivate your list mail by sending an email message to [email protected] (to receive individual list messages) or [email protected] (to receive daily digests). You need not write anything in the Subject line or the body text; these can be left blank.
If you do not have access to a web browser, please contact the list administrators for assistance.
Changing your email address: Individual members' subscription accounts are private. The List Administrators do not have access to alter these accounts, and cannot change the email address you use for messages and group features.
If you wish to change the email address where you receive your Teamail, you must do one of the following:
- Visit the Teamail page at Yahoo!Groups, log in with userID and password as above, and update the information in your Account settings.
- If you do not have access to a web browser, you will need to subscribe directly from your new email address. Send a subscription request to [email protected]. Be sure to send the request from the email address you want to use for Teamail membership. If you still have access to your old email address, please unsubscribe from that address by sending an unsubscribe message to [email protected].
16. What if I don't want to be a subscriber/member any more?
We hope you will enjoy being a member of Teamail, but understand that sometimes circumstances may change. Do not post an unsubscribe request to the list -- it will be deleted without action. You can unsubscribe by sending an email message from the email account where you receive your Teamail to [email protected]. The Subject line and body of the message can be left blank. You will receive a message asking you to send a confirmation reply; this is a security device to be sure that no one is unsubscribing you without your knowledge. Click your email's Reply button, then send -- you don't need to add additional text. Within a few hours, as your request is processed, you will no longer receive Teamail messages.
If you have web access you can also unsubscribe through the Yahoo!Groups web site; log in and make the change to your account.
17. How is the Teamail list different from newsgroup?
Teamail list messages are sent from and delivered to your email account. You do not need news reader or web browser software to participate. Your email address is available only to the other subscribers to the list, and only through your posts to the list or off-list messages to individual subscribers.
Unlike newsgroups, Teamail is moderated, so no off-topic messages are posted.
18. Is Teamail actively soliciting for new subscribers via public announcements?
We occasionally post notices about Teamail on various online and off-line media. Many of our current members recommend membership in Teamail to other tea lovers, either via email or with a link on their website. We greatly appreciate members who help promote our group!
19. How private are Teamail postings?
Messages posted to Teamail are distributed only to subscribers of the Teamail list. The policy statement of the organization that hosts Teamail (Yahoo!Groups) bars spamming, the sale of mailing lists by Yahoo!Groups or by individual list owners or users, and the use of Yahoo!Groups lists as a source for creating a new list for the purpose of sending unsolicited email (commercial or otherwise).
They also assure us that list messages are not read, redistributed, or in any way monitored by Yahoo!Groups, although they do reserve the right to step in if they receive a complaint that a list they host is participating in inappropriate or illegal practices.
The Teamail List Administrators do not publish, post, or otherwise display the list of subscribers either on- or off-list, but do reserve the right to maintain a secured off-line copy for reference. See also Questions # 20 and #21 below.
Please note that both Teamail and Yahoo!Groups, in accordance with U.S. and international copyright laws, assign copy rights (ownership) of original material posted to the Teamail list to the individual author of that material. Reproduction of Teamail posts, in full or in part, in any medium or format, whether by online or off-line methods, without the prior written consent of the copyright owner is strictly prohibited and grounds for immediate removal from the Teamail community and from Yahoo!Groups, and may result in legal action against the offender(s). Please do not repost, copy, forward, or otherwise reproduce any Teamail message without the express consent of the original author. Thank you.
20. Okay, if Yahoo!Groups isn't selling our addresses, what do they get out of this arrangement?
At the bottom of each Teamail post and the top of each digest you may see a brief advertisement sponsored by one of Yahoo!Groups' advertisers. These advertisements may be of interest to you, and you are welcome to follow any advertisement link. Or you may choose to ignore them; you are under no obligation to patronize any of the advertisers.
When you access the Teamail/Yahoo!Groups web site, you'll also see advertisements. Again, you are under no obligation, but can click through on any advert to get more information.
We consider these advertisements to be a minor intrusion into our group -- a reasonable trade-off for providing a free meeting place for our international group of tea lovers.
Yahoo!Groups assures us that mailing list addresses are not sold to their advertisers. If you believe you have received spam as a result of your participation in Teamail, or if you receive an advertisement that you find offensive, please contact YahooGroups.
Quoting from the Yahoo!Groups FAQ: "Yahoo!Groups strongly believes in privacy and will never disclose an individual's registration information to anyone without their express consent." Due to the nature of the Internet in general, there are no guarantees of complete privacy no matter what system is used. We believe this service offers as reasonable a comfort level as other hosting services. You are encouraged to read Yahoo!Groups' FAQ and their policy statement on spamming.
21. What do I do if someone on the list is acting inappropriately?
As stated above, we expect all Teamail members/subscribers to behave as courteous, responsible adults. All message postings must reflect not only our topic but must be expressed civilly. Rudeness, vulgarity, and insults directed against any individual or group will not be tolerated. Bad behaviour, on-list or off-list to members or the moderators, is grounds for removal from the Teamail group.
If you believe that another member/subscriber has acted inappropriately, please contact the list administrators who will decide how to respond. The choice will be at the sole discretion of the list administrators. Do not initiate an on-list discussion about this, and do not post a "rebuke" to the list; doing either may jeopardize your own list privileges.
You may also send a courteous message off-list to the original author, bearing in mind the terms outlined in the following paragraphs. Explain the problem clearly and neutrally. Often what one member interprets as offensive is a simple misunderstanding or mis-statement that can be easily corrected. Especially keep in mind that our membership includes tea lovers from every inhabited continent, and what a member interprets as inappropriate may simply be lack of familiarity with the English language.
If someone behaves inappropriately in private email to you in response to your list post, forward the offending message to the list administrators (preferably with full headers). The administrators will, again, decide how to proceed. If you ask someone not to contact you directly and s/he continues to do so, we recommend that you contact the abuse department at the sender's ISP/email host.
Spamming, vulgar language, or sending hate mail are grounds for immediate removal and banning from the group. Any subscriber who sells, gives, or otherwise conveys the list of subscribers or any part thereof to anyone outside the group, or who adds subscriber names or addresses without that person's express permission, may be removed from the group without notice. Anyone who sells, gives, or otherwise conveys any Teamail post in full or in part to anyone outside the list, including cross-posting and forwarding, without obtaining the express consent of the original author/member may be removed from the group without notice. Anyone who uses subscriber names and addresses for purposes of creating a separate email list for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, may be removed from the group without notice, and may be in violation of Yahoo!Groups Terms of Service and User Guidelines.
We reserve the right to add or remove members at will. We reserve the right to determine what is appropriate and inappropriate, and to edit inappropriate material as required. Teamail, its members, and its administrators are not responsible for the content posted to the group. If you find it objectionable, it is your sole responsibility to remove yourself from the subscription list. Any advice or material that you find here is for entertainment purposes only. Legal liability for the content of posts made to Teamail lies with the individual poster, not the group or its administrators. All subscribers are responsible for reading this FAQ in its entirety and abiding by our protocols. If you do not understand the above material, you should unsubscribe from the group immediately. All subscribers are responsible for reading the Yahoo!Groups Terms of Service and User Guidelines and abiding by all Yahoo!Groups protocols.
22. Email commands for common Teamail list functions:
- To subscribe to the Teamail email tea discussion list: [email protected]
- To unsubscribe from the list: [email protected]
- To post a message to the list: [email protected]
- To set account to receive messages in daily digest format: [email protected]
- To set account to receive individual messages: [email protected]
- To contact the List Administrators: [email protected]
Please contact the Teamail List Adminstrators with any questions or comments:
All materials contained herein Copyright © 1997-2014 The Cat-Tea Corner/JPB unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced, in full or in part, in any format, online or off-line, electronically or in print, for any purpose, without prior written permission. For design or reprint information please contact the webmaster.